Thursday, October 22, 2009

1. An Ethernet cable is used to directly connect two network devices.

2. Materials: network cable, 2 RJ45 jacks, cable pliers

3. Instructions:
  • Cut wire to desired length

  • Strip blue tubingUntwist and straighten colored wires

  • Place colors in correct order: light orange, dark orange, light green, dark blue, light blue, dark green, light brown, dark brown

  • Cut wires evenly (keep in order)

  • Hold jack with clip down, place wires inside (copper must be meeting copper)

  • Make sure wires are in correct order and in the right slot.

  • Clamp it down.

  • Repeat process on other end of cable.

4. To test, place one end of the cable into a cable modular, and the other end into a second modular. If the lights turn green, the cable works. If the lights have a mixture of green and red, the cable does not work.

5. Building an Ethernet cable is relatively simple, but it is extremely easy to mess up. The colored wires must be in the correct order, and they easily get twisted. Sometimes, the tips of the wires do not reach the copper in the jack. I had to redo mine at least 5 times before it worked. Now that I know what to do, I would make sure that the wires are completely straight and even before placing them into the jack.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Charges Filed Involving Interception of Internet Email and Computer Keystrokes.

Scott Graham, age 38 was accused for intercepting and endeavoring to intercept Internet email
and computer keystrokes of others, without their knowledge or consent. If convicted, the defendant’s sentence will be determined by the Court after review of factors unique to this case, including the defendant’s prior criminal record, if any, the defendant’s role in the offense and the characteristics of the violation. In all cases the sentence will not exceed the statutory maximum and in most cases it will be less than the maximum.

Friday, October 9, 2009

- The four benefits of using a network:
1. many users to access programs and data at the same time
2. users to share peripheral devices, such as printers and scanners
3. make personal communications easier
4. make it easy for users and administrators to back up important data files

- WANs are Wide Area Networks that consist of two or more LANs connected together and are generally across a wide geographical area.

- LANs are Local Area Networks of computers that are relatively near each other and are connected in a way hat enables them to communicate.

- Three common network topologies are the bus, ring and star.

- Network Operating System Software Examples:
1. Novell NetWare
2. Microsoft XP
3. Linux
4. Microsoft .NET Server

- Client/Server Networks involves the individual computers sharing the process and storage workload with a central server.

- Peer-to-Peer Networks, sometimes called workgroups, all nodes on the network have equal relationships to all others and they all have similar types of software that support the sharing of resources.

- The difference between the two is that Client/Server Networks work individually while Peer-to-Peer Networks work in groups.

What I think about blogs.

What is the purpose of a blog?
- an online journal you can use to discuss a range of topics.

What pros and cons do you see about blogs?
- pro's you can disscuss how you feel and con's you could give out to much information.

Are they safe? Why/Why not.
- blogging, is 50/50 when it comes to being safe because you can still see everything thing you post but it is still safe because you don't have to give out every little detail about yourself.

Explain how blogs could be used as an educational tool.
- I really don't know how it could be used as an educational tool.