Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hyper Text Markup Language

1. What is HTML?
is the predominant markup language for web pages.

2. What is a tag? Give an example
tag is anything between the greater or less than signs

3. Explain "open" and "close" tags
an open tag is a anything between < > and a close tag is anything between
4. Steps to create a HTML site.
- open note pad
- put < html > hit enter < title > hit enter and < body >
- space down a couple of times
- then put hit enter hit enter and

5. Give 3 websites that give good examples of HTML tags to copy and paste
a.) www.quackit.com/html/codes/
b.) www.web-source.net/html_codes_chart.htm
c.) www.htmlcodetutorial.com/quicklist.html

6. How do YOU feel about HTML? What did you know already? What do you know now? Will this help you with anything in the futre? Why/Why not?
HTML is easy for me and i knew have the html codes and know i know how to make a web site and it probley will.

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